I feel like most of my entries will involve my friends/co-workers, so I think I should introduce them to you.
Collette Wiederrich

Collette and I embarked together and will debark together. She is the Youth Program Coordinator, so in her own words she “entertains the small humans on board.” We are constantly mistaken for each other (we've decided it must be the hair), but there are worse people to be compared to. We have pretty similar personalities but she is a little bit saucier and wild than I am so she is known as my evil twin and I as her better half.
Cara Borghesi

Cara one of the Youth Staff, was my roommate, but she left July 13. Describing Cara is fairly difficult, she;s the type of person you just have to know! She has sound effects for EVERYTHING (one for walking into a room, one for standing up out of bed, happy dolphin, sad dolphin), and she's just overall entertaining!
Glen Barry:
There is truly only one Glen Barry and I'm not sure the world would be able to handle more than one. Although Glen has worked on ships since 1998, this is his first contract with HAL. HE has a plethora of stories about his time on Royal Caribbean and Disney Cruise Lines and he often entertains us with them. I am so glad that I ended up with Glen as my first cruise director because if I had ended up with someone boring or uptight I don't know what I would have done.

Corne (kor-NAY - I'm not even going to try to spell his last name), our Facilities Manager is affectionately known as Gru. I am convinced that the animators of Despicable Me used him as model for their main character. He's the only engineer who hangs out with us and he is a ton of fun and such a nice guy! His (failed) attempts at the Hand Jive during one of our shows has permanently endeared him into my heart.
Ashley Alishusky
Ashley is another member of the Youth Staff. At first, I thought she was shy and quiet, but she's not. Every now and then she will say something that comes out of left field and have us all cracking up. If I go somewhere exciting in port, I usually go with Ash.
Niamh Mason and Ian Kee

Niamh (said Neeve- it's Gaelic) and I started on the same day and we bonded over the fact that we were both dazed and confused. She's from England and basically I want to put her in my pocket and carry her around with me (which she thinks would be fun). Niamh is a photographer on board and, for the record, her camera is better than Ian's - Ashley, Collette, and I voted!
Ian is also a photographer on board. He was one of the first non-entertainment staff I made friends with because he and Collette had worked together on the Ryndam. Ian is a tease, which made me like him instantly.